Anderson, Nashville, and Camping in Kentucky
It has been TOO LONG since I’ve put out a blog post! Senior year is in full swing, and although I’d like to say I’m loving every minute of it, that hasn’t quite been the case. Ironically, my lightest semester course wise is turning out to be my most stressful so far, but while there has been some stress in readjustment, there’s also been some really sweet moments that have happened already only three weeks into the school year.
First off, I live in a house with four of my best friends. Known around AU as 'The Dollhouse', it’s a 3 minute bike ride to campus (I’ve biked to class every day!) and adorable as all get out. Because I live off campus, I’m not required to have a meal plan, so I’ve been cooking all my meals at home. If you know of any great recipes, help a girl out and send me some because all I’ve been making for the past three weeks is quinoa, salad, and sautéed brussel sprouts.
While it’s great to spend time with my roommates in my new home, its also been nice to get away on the weekends. So Nitish and I decided that over Labor Day weekend we wanted to check out downtown Nashville, Tennessee and go “camping” for a night in Kentucky’s Red River Gorge area. I say “camping” because our car was within eyesight of our campsite. 😅
As of late, I’ve been in the “grin and bear it” mentality. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with projects, readings, and trying maintain a social life. But when I focus on everything that is anxiety inducing and stress related, it's so easy to miss out on the nourishing parts of life that are right in front of me. Creating space for rest, being disciplined in giving myself that rest, and being generous with grace when I either neglect work or play for the sake of my sanity are all things I'm learning to walk in right now.
In the words of Tolkien, "Little by little, one travels far."
And I certainly hope this to be true.