Jackie Durbha | Bay Area Graphic Designer


Faith + Peyton


One of the joys I experience from time to time is taking portraits of people who have a personal relationship with me. This past Friday, I was able to do that.

I've known Peyton since literally day 1 of college. Pre-freshman orientation, the fine art & design professors put together a field trip to the Indianapolis Museum of Art. My whole department spent the day wandering around, critiquing paintings and other various mediums of artwork. I'm pretty sure I didn't talk to Peyton at all that day, and if I did I have little to no memory of our conversation. But now looking back at the past three years, I can't tell you how many conversations we've had over coffee in the Fine Arts Design Lab.

Major congratulations to Faith and Peyton. I had such a blast with these two and could not have asked for a better day to take their engagement photos!

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