Jackie Durbha | Bay Area Graphic Designer


#100DaysOfLight: Days 1, 2 & 3

Hey, all!

Glad you made it over here! I'm excited to finally get my blog up and running again. I'm really terrible about posting things that I'm currently designing / working on, so I hope this project will get me in the habit of sharing my creations / my process!

Ever since high school, I’ve been weirdly fascinated with looking at other people’s bedrooms and seeing how that reveals more of who they are. I think this is mostly due to that one scene in 500 Days of Summer where Tom finally sees Summer’s room and romanticizes her even more because of it… but that’s besides the point.


Here’s a little corner of my room. I live in an attic space, and I have lots of natural light that pours in from this window in the mornings. The sun tends to wake me up more than my alarm clock does. Even though it's not super decorated, I think out of all my rooms I've lived in throughout my life it's the one I'm most proud of. 

Here's light from days 1 & 2. And I threw in another random photo I took yesterday of my engagement ring and this pretty sprig I found on the ground. 




Jackie Durbha